Clifton Methodist Church, York

An inclusive and welcoming community supporting young people and families in the North of York….
“I came one Sunday. I sensed straight away a wonderful aura about CMC and I knew that this was where God had intended me to come.”

Who We Are
A Christian community, coming together for the common good.
CMC is a broad and inclusive church, full of brilliant but imperfect people who are trying to work out how the Christian faith makes sense in the real world.
We usually meet for our main service on a Sunday at 10:30am. We also normally meet on a Wednesday at 10:30am for a more informal service. After both we stay around for tea/coffee and a chat. If you want to know more contact us here.

CMC Community Garden
In May 2022 we started a major project to refresh the front of CMC. We started by lifting the pavers nearest the road and moved the flower beds forwards. We removed builders rubble and dug in 1 ton of compost, all with the help of our community – Scouts, Guides, Rangers, Pebbles Toddler Group families and friends of the church.
In December 2022 we planted our fruit trees and since then the pavers have been relaid and more plants put in.
If you are passing, stop to enjoy our labours and see wht else has happened!

Watch our services online….
We don’t stream all our services, – you can see those we have done on our YouTube channel “CMC in York “
Guiding and Scouting units meeting at CMC:
- 36th York Guides Wednesday 7.00 – 8.30pm term time only
- Foss Rangers Alternate Friday evenings
To register to join Brownies, Guides or Rangers please go to https://girlguiding.org.uk – click on the Information for parents tab, then register your daughter

- Clifton Methodist Cubs Thursday 6.30 – 7.30pm term time only
- Clifton Methodist Scouts Thursday 7.30 -9.00pm term time only
To register for Cubs or Scouts visit https://scouts.org.uk/groups/

..and finally…
…. like all Methodists we like our cups of tea, cakes and a natter. We’d love to make you welcome if you’re wanting a wedding, a christening or need us to help you with a funeral. Contact Elizabeth our minister on 01904 788033 or email her.